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·            姓名:劉鵬程

·            職稱(chēng):副教授

·            電話:0553-3869297

·           郵箱:15952019586@163.com

◆ 主要學(xué)習(xí)工作經(jīng)歷


·        201906南京林業(yè)大學(xué)森林保護(hù)學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)獲博士學(xué)位

·        201907月至今安徽師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院工作

◆ 主要研究?jī)?nèi)容


·        以膜翅目寄生蜂作為主要研究對(duì)象,開(kāi)展了寄生蜂行為生態(tài)學(xué)、分子生物學(xué)、化學(xué)生態(tài)學(xué)等方面的理論研究工作。

◆ 主要研究課題


·        安徽師范大學(xué)博士科研啟動(dòng)基金項(xiàng)目,學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)歷調(diào)節(jié)舞毒蛾卵平腹小蜂致死打斗行為生理機(jī)制(903/751979),2019-2021年,主持;

·        國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目,舞毒蛾卵平腹小蜂打斗行為的生理機(jī)制(31870639),2019-2022年,參與;

·        江蘇省高校優(yōu)勢(shì)學(xué)科建設(shè)基金項(xiàng)目,2018-2019年,主持;

·        南京林業(yè)大學(xué)優(yōu)秀博士論文基金項(xiàng)目,美國(guó)白蛾蛹期優(yōu)勢(shì)寄生蜂性別分配理論及進(jìn)化研究(163010181),2016-2019年,主持;

·        河北省自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目,桃紅頸天牛信息素研究(2014004),2014-2017年,參與;

·         國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目,干旱半干旱地區(qū)沙棘繞實(shí)蠅成蟲(chóng)搜索寄主與配偶的行為機(jī)制(31370647),2014-2017年,參與。

◆ 主要研究成果



·        Liu PC*, Wei JR, Han X, Hao DJ, Wang ZY, Wang ZQ, Wang Q (2020) Effects of female body size and age and male mating status on male combat in Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Ecological Entomology. (In Press).

·        Liu PC*, Hao DJ, Hu HY, Wei JR, Wu F, Shen J, Xu SJ, Xie QY (2020) Effect of winning experience on aggression involving dangerous fighting behaviour in Anastatus disparisJournal of Insect Science. (In Press).

·        Liu PC, Wei HX, Cao DD, Wei JR* (2020) The relationship between sex ratio of progeny in Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) with sperm depletion and decreased fecundity. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 55: 25-30.

·        Liu PC, Hao DJ* (2019) Effect of variation in resource value on lethal male combat in a quasi-gregarious species, Anastatus disparisBMC Ecology, 19(1): 21.

·        Liu PC, Tian S, Hao DJ* (2019) Sexual transcription differences in Brachymeria lasus (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), a pupal parasitoid species of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Frontiers in Genetics, 10: 172.

·        Liu PC, Hao DJ* (2019) Behavioural and transcriptional changes in post-mating females of an egg parasitoid wasp species. Royal Society Open Science, 6(1): 181453.

·        Chen R, He X, Chen J, Gu T, Liu P, Xu T, Teale SA, Hao D* (2019) Traumatic resin duct development, terpenoid formation, and related synthase gene expression in Pinus massoniana under feeding pressure of Monochamus alternatusJournal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38: 897-908.

·        Liu PC, Luo J, Tian S, Wen SY, Wei JR, Hao DJ* (2018) Facultative production of multiple-egg clutches in a quasi-gregarious parasitoid: fitness gains for offspring at low developmental temperature. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(3): 39.

·        Wang Z, Yang J, Liu P, Yang Y, Fang H, Xu X, et al. (2017). Isolongifolanonebased molecular fluorescence marker for imaging endogenous Zn2+ in vivo. Tetrahedron, 73(40): 5912-5919.

·        Liu PC, Wei JR, Tian S, Hao DJ* (2017) Male-male lethal combat in the quasi-gregarious parasitoid Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Scientific Reports, 7(1): 11875.

·        Liu PC, Wang JJ, Zhao B, Men J, Wei JR* (2017) Influence of natal host and oviposition experience on sex allocation in a solitary egg parasitoid, Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 58: 29.

·        Liu PC, Men J, Zhao B, Wei JR* (2017) Fitness-related offspring sex allocation of Anastatus disparis, a gypsy moth egg parasitoid, on different-sized host species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 163(3): 281-286.

·        門(mén)金曹丹丹趙斌王偉超劉鵬程魏建榮* (2017) 不同寄主來(lái)源種群花絨寄甲成蟲(chóng)對(duì)桃紅頸天牛幼蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)糞的行為趨性和種群控制效果昆蟲(chóng)學(xué)報(bào), 60(2): 229-236.

·        劉鵬程魏建榮*王建軍劉金祥董麗君 (2015) 舞毒蛾卵平腹小蜂發(fā)育與溫度的關(guān)系及子代性比控制中國(guó)森林病蟲(chóng), 34 (2): 9-14.


·        魏建榮趙斌門(mén)金劉鵬程楊麗坤一種沙棘繞實(shí)蠅引誘劑國(guó)家專(zhuān)利授權(quán)號(hào)ZL201510867789.5 (2015).

·        郝德君劉鵬程陳夢(mèng)義陳昌宇顧天滋一種繁殖與釋放白蛾周氏嚙小蜂的專(zhuān)用裝置,國(guó)家專(zhuān)利授權(quán)號(hào)ZL201620429360.8 (2016).