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發(fā)布人:柳帥     發(fā)布日期:2023-09-05   瀏覽次數(shù):













1. 山地森林地衣的生長和生物固氮對模擬氮沉降的響應(yīng)機(jī)制研究,安徽省自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目,2108085QC101,主持。

2. 山地森林附生地衣的磷元素限制格局和機(jī)制研究,安徽省教育廳項(xiàng)目,KJ2020A0095,主持。

3. 附生植物的水分關(guān)系及其對水分脅迫的響應(yīng)??以哀牢山濕性常綠闊葉林為例31670452,國自然面上,參與。

4. 光照調(diào)控附生植物空間分布格局的生理生態(tài)學(xué)研究??基于受損常綠闊葉林31770494,國自然面上,參與。

5. 山地濕性常綠闊葉林附生植物的生態(tài)化學(xué)計(jì)量學(xué)特征及其對環(huán)境變化的響應(yīng)31770496,國自然面上,參與。

6. 山地濕性常綠闊葉林附生植物的生物固氮及其對環(huán)境變化的響應(yīng)   41471050,國自然面上,參與。

7. 哀牢山亞熱帶常綠闊葉林土壤呼吸組分對氣候變暖的響應(yīng)研究   31600390,國自然青年,參與



Liu S, Menglong Bu, Yue Li. et al (2023). Regulation of initial soil   environmental factors on litter decomposition rate affects the estimation   accuracy of litter mass loss in a subtropical forest. Plant and soil, DOI:   10.1007/s11104-022-05838-y

Bu ML, Li Y, Wang SM, Huang CJ, Wu CS, Liu S (2023). Nitrogen stress alters trade?of strategies between reproduction and vegetative   growth in soybean. Brazilian Journal of Botany, DOI:   10.1007/s40415-023-00883-y (通訊作者)

Shi X-M, Liu S, Song L. et al   (2022). Contamination and source-specific risk analysis of soil heavy metals   in a typical coal industrial city, central China. Science of the Total   Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155694. (共一)

Liu S, Liu WY, Shi XM, Li S, Hu T, Song L, Wu CS. (2018). Dry-hot stress significantly   reduced the nitrogenase activity of epiphytic cyanolichen. Science of the   Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.179

Liu S, Li S, Fan XY, Yuan GD, & Wu CS. (2019). Comparison of two   noninvasive methods for measuring the pigment content in foliose   macrolichens. Photosynthesis Research. DOI:10.1007/s11120-019-00624-x

Li S, Liu S, Shi X M, Liu WY,   Song L, Lu HZ, ... & Wu CS. (2017). Forest Type and Tree Characteristics   Determine the Vertical Distribution of Epiphytic Lichen Biomass in   Subtropical Forests. Forests, DOI: 10.3390/f8110436

Li S, Liu WY, Shi XM, Liu S,   Hu T, Song L, Lu HZ, Chen X, Wu CS. (2019). Non[1]dominant   trees significantly enhance species richness of epiphytic lichens in subtropical   forests of southwest China. Fungal Ecology. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2018.10.005

Shi XM, Song L, Liu WY, Lu HZ, Qi JH, Li S, Chen X, Wu JF, Liu S, & Wu CS. (2017). Epiphytic   bryophytes as bio-indicators of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a subtropical   montane cloud forest: Response patterns, mechanism, and critical load. Environmental   Pollution, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.077

Song L, Lu HZ, Xu XL, Li S, Shi XM, Chen X, Wu Y, Huang J, Chen Q, Liu, S., Wu CS, & Liu WY. (2016).   Organic nitrogen uptake is a significant contributor to nitrogen economy of   subtropical epiphytic bryophytes. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep30408

柳帥,李蘇,劉文耀. 亞熱帶山地森林附生地衣的移植生長及其對環(huán)境變化的響應(yīng). 菌物學(xué)報(bào),2018, 37: 931-939.

李蘇,柳帥,劉文耀,石賢萌,宋亮,武傳勝. 亞熱帶常綠闊葉林附生地衣凋落物的物種多樣性和生物量的邊緣效應(yīng). 菌物學(xué)報(bào),2018, 37: 919-930.

胡濤, 李蘇, 柳帥,等. 哀牢山山地森林不同附生地衣功能群的水分關(guān)系和光合生理特征. 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào), 2016, 40: 810-826.

劉濤,劉文耀,柳帥,宋亮,胡濤,黃俊彪. Pb2+Zn2+ 脅迫對附生西南樹平蘚葉綠素含量和光合熒光特性的影響. 生態(tài)學(xué)雜志, 2017, 36: 1885-1893.

李蘇, 劉文耀, 石賢萌, 柳帥, 胡濤, 黃俊彪, 陳曦, 宋亮, 武傳勝. 亞熱帶森林系統(tǒng) 4 種附生藍(lán)藻地衣的分布對生境變化的響應(yīng). 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào), 2015, 39: 217-228.