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發(fā)布人:吳江平     發(fā)布日期:2024-02-26   瀏覽次數(shù):


職稱:教 授




· 2006-2009年 中國科學(xué)院研究生院,獲環(huán)境科學(xué)博士學(xué)位

· 2009-2011年 清華大學(xué),博士后

· 2011-2016年 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,助理研究員,副研究員,碩士生導(dǎo)師

· 2016-現(xiàn)在 安徽師范大學(xué),副研究員,副教授,教授,博士生導(dǎo)師



· 持久性污染物的生物蓄積、食物鏈遷移及生態(tài)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

· 新型污染物的生態(tài)毒理學(xué)與健康效應(yīng)












· 《生態(tài)毒理學(xué)》(國家“十三五”規(guī)劃教材,孟紫強(qiáng)主編),2019年,參編


· 廣東省自然科學(xué)獎(jiǎng),一等獎(jiǎng),2020年,排名6/12。


  • Feng WL, Wu JP*, Tao L, Li X, Nie YT, Xu YC, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. 2022. Bioaccumulation and maternal transfer of two understudied DDT metabolites in wild fish species. Sci. Total Environ., 818: 151814.

  • Wu JP*, Li X, Tao L, Nie YT, Feng WL, Xu YC, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. 2022. Sex- and size-dependent accumulation of Dechlorane Plus flame retardant in a wild frog-eating snake Amphiesma stolata. Environ. Pollut., 297: 118793.

  • Wu JP*, Feng WL, Tao L, Li X, Nie YT, Xu YC, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. 2021. Halogenated flame retardants in wild, prey-sized mud carp from an e-waste recycling site in South China, 2006–2016: Residue dynamics and ecological risk assessment. Environ. Pollut., 291: 118270.

  • Wu JP*, Peng Y, Zhi H, Chen XY, Wu SK, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2020. Contaminant-related oxidative distress in common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) inhabited at an e-waste site in South China. Environ. Res., 182: 109079.

  • Wu JP*, Wu SK, Tao L, She YZ, Chen XY, Feng WL, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. 2020. Bioaccumulation characteristics of PBDEs and alternative brominated flame retardants in a wild frog-eating snake. Environ. Pollut., 258: 113661.

  • Wu JP*, Chen XY, Wu SK, Tao L, She YZ, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2019. Polychlorinated biphenyls in apple snails from an abandoned e-waste recycling site, 2010–2016: A temporal snapshot after the regulatory efforts and the bioaccumulation characteristics. Sci. Total Environ., 650: 779–785.

  • Wu JP, Peng Y, Zhi H, Chen XY, Wu SK, Tao L, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2019. Contamination of organohalogen chemicals and hepatic steatosis in common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) breeding at a nature reserve near e-waste recycling sites in South China. Sci. Total Environ., 659: 561–567.

  • Tao L, Zhang Y, Wu JP*, Liu Y, Chen XY, Wu SK, Zeng YH, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2019. Biomagnification of PBDEs and alternative brominated flame retardants in a predatory fish: Using fat acid signature as a primer. Environ. Int., 127: 226–232.

  • Zhi H, Wu JP*, Lu LM*, Zhang XM, Chen XY, Tao J, Mai BX. 2019. Decarbromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) promotes monocyte–endothelial adhesion in cultured human aortic endothelial cells through upregulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1. Environ. Res., 169: 62–71.

  • Zhi H, Wu JP*, Lu LM, Li Y, Chen XY, Tao J*, Mai BX. 2018. Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) enhances foam cell formation in human macrophages via augmenting Toll-like receptor 4-dependent lipid uptake. Food Chem. Toxicol., 121C: 367–373.

  • Wu JP, Chen XY, Wu SK, Sun Y, Feng WL, Tao L, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2018. Dechlorane Plus flame retardant in a contaminated frog species: Biomagnification and isomer-specific transfer from females to their eggs. Chemosphere, 211: 218–225.

  • Wu JP, Mo L, Zhi H, Peng Y, Tao L, Ren ZH, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2016. Hepatic ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction in the common kingfisher from an e-waste recycling site. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 35: 1594–1599.

  • Wu JP, She YZ, Zhang Y, Peng Y, Mo L, Luo XJ, Mai BX*. 2013. Sex-dependent accumulation and maternal transfer of Dechlorane Plus flame retardant in fish from an electronic waste recycling site in South China. Environ. Pollut., 177: 150–155.

  • Zheng XB, Wu JP*, Luo XJ, Zeng YH, She YZ, Mai BX. 2012. Halogenated flame retardants in home-produced eggs from an electronic waste recycling region in South China: Levels, composition profiles, and human dietary exposure assessment. Environ. Int., 45: 122–128.

  • Zhang Y, Wu JP*, Luo XJ, Sun YX, Mo L, Chen SJ, Mai BX. 2011. Biota-sediment accumulation factors for Dechlorane Plus in bottom fish from an electronic waste recycling site, South China. Environ. Int., 37: 1357–1361.

  • Wu JP, Guan YT*, Zhang Y, Luo XJ, Zhi H, Chen SJ, Mai BX*. 2011. Several current-use, non-PBDE brominated flame retardants are highly bioaccumulative: Evidence from field determined bioaccumulation factors. Environ. Int., 37: 210–215.

  • Wu JP, Guan YT*, Zhang Y, Luo XJ, Zhi H, Chen SJ, Mai BX*. 2010. Trophodynamics of hexabromocyclododecanes and several other non-PBDE brominated flame retardants in a fresh water food web. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44: 5490–5495.

  • Wu JP, Zhang Y, Luo XJ*, Chen SJ, Wang J, Guan YT, Mai BX. 2010. Isomer-specific bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of Dechlorane Plus in the freshwater food web from a highly contaminated site, South China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44: 606–611.

  • Wu JP, Luo XJ, Zhang Y, Chen SJ, Mai BX*, Guan YT, Yang ZY. 2009. Residues of polybrominated biphenyl ethers in frogs (Rana limnocharis) from a contaminated site, South China: Tissue distribution, biomagnification, and maternal transfer. Environ. Sci. Technol., 43: 5212–5217.

  • Wu JP, Luo XJ, Zhang Y, Luo Y, Chen SJ, Mai BX*, Yang ZY. 2008. Bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in wild aquatic species from an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling site in South China. Environ. Int., 34: 1109–1113.