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20199-20209 美國俄勒岡州立大學(xué)訪問學(xué)者(國家留學(xué)基金委資助)


200810-200911月,香港城市大學(xué)生物化學(xué)系研究助理(Research Assistant





1. 有機污染物環(huán)境地球化學(xué)

2. 大氣污染物模型分析與溯源


1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金(41203075),皖江流域持久性有機氯污染物大氣-土壤交換作用及受到生物質(zhì)燃燒的影響,2013-2015,主持;

2. 安徽省自然科學(xué)基金(1308085QB31),皖江流域持久性有機污染物時空分布和土壤-大氣交換作用研究,2014-2016,主持;

3. 安徽省自然科學(xué)基金(1708085MD88),長江安徽段中微塑料分布和對重金屬和持久性有機污染物的富集研究,2017-2019,主持;

4. 馬鞍山當(dāng)涂生態(tài)縣建設(shè)規(guī)劃, 主持

5. 馬鞍山市花山區(qū)生態(tài)建設(shè)總體規(guī)劃,主持





(1) Zijiao Yuan, Binbin He, Xiaoguo Wu*, Staci L. Massey Simonich, Houqi Liu, Jiahui Fu, Afeng Chen, Hanyang Liu, Qing Wang, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban stream sediments of Suzhou Industrial Park, an emerging eco-industrial park in China: Occurrence, sources and potential risk. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021, 214: 112095.

(2) Afeng Chen, Xiaoguo Wu*, Staci L. Massey Simonich, Hui Kang, Zhouqing Xie. Volatilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over the North Paci?c and adjacent Arctic Ocean: The impact of offshore oil drilling. Environmental Pollution. 2021(268):115963.

(3) Xiaoguo Wu, Afeng Chen, Zijiao Yuan, Hui Kang, Zhouqing Xie*. Atmospheric organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Antarctic marginal seas: Distribution, sources and transportation. Chemosphere. 2020(258):127359.

(4) Xiaoguo Wu*, Hanyang Liu, Zijiao Yuan, Siquan Wang, Afeng Chen, Binbin He. Concentration, exchange and source identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil, air and tree bark from the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2019(10):1276-1283.

(5) Bing Zhao, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoguo Wu, Kun Xin, Yuanyuan Zhu, Lin Hu and Xu Tao. Distribution, accumulation of selenium in plants and human risk assessment on selenium from Dashan Region, a selenium –rich area in Anhui China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2018(27):2873-2882.

(6) Xiaoguo Wu*, Afeng Chen, Siquan Wang, Jiliang Zou, Hanyang Liu and Sa Xiao. Polychlorinated biphenyls in two typical landforms of Southern Anhui province, China: Sources, air-soil exchange, and risk assessment. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2018(9): 569-576.

(7) Xiaoguo Wu*, Yueyue Ding, Shoubiao Zhou and Ye Tan. Temporal characteristic and source analysis of PM2.5 in the most polluted city agglomeration of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2018(9):1221-1230.

(8) Siquan Wang, Xiaoguo Wu*, Jiliang Zou, Afeng Chen, Xiucheng Tao and Yuhong Cao. Survey of organochlorine pesticides in the atmosphere and soil of two typical landforms of Southern Anhui Province, China: Sources and air-soil exchange. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2017(8): 619-627.

(9) Kun Xing, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoguo Wu, Yuanyuan Zhu, Juanjuan Kong, Ting Shao and Xu Tao. Concentrations and characteristics of selenium in soil samples from Dashan Region, a selenium-enriched area in China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015, 61, 889-897.

(10) Xiaoguo Wu, James, C. W. Lam, Chonghuan Xia, Hui Kang, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam. Atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls measured during the 2008 Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. Advances in Polar Science. 2015(3): 239-248.

(11) 武曉果, 謝周清. 氣候變化背景下極地海洋和陸地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中持久性有機污染物的遷移和分布. 極地研究 2014, Vol.26(4):433-440.

(12) Xiaoguo Wu, James, C. W. Lam, Chonghuan Xia, Hui Kang, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam. Atmospheric hexachlorobenzene determined during the third China arctic research expedition: Sources and environmental fate. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2014. 5(3): 477-483.

(13) Linxi Yuan, Shihua Qi*, Xiaoguo Wu, Chenxi Wu, Xinli Xing and Xiaoyi Gong. Spatial and temporal variations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in water and sediments from Honghu Lake, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2013, 132: 181-187.

(14) Chonghuan Xia, Xiaoguo Wu, James, C. W. Lam, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam*. Methylmercury and trace elements in the marine fish from coasts of East China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. 2013. 48(12): 1491-1501.

(15) Chonghuan Xia, James, C. W. Lam, Xiaoguo Wu, Liguang Sun, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam*. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in marine fishes from China: Levels, distribution and risk assessment. Chemosphere, 2012, 89(8): 944-949.

(16) Chonghuan Xia, James, C. W. Lam, Xiaoguo Wu, Liguang Sun, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam*. Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in marine fishes along the Chinese coastline. Chemosphere. Chemosphere, 2011, 82(11): 1662-1668.

(17) Chonghuan Xia, James, C. W. Lam, Xiaoguo Wu, Liguang Sun, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam*. Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine fishes from Chinese coastal waters. Chemosphere, 2011, 82(1): 18-24.

(18) Xiaoguo Wu, James, C. W. Lam, Chonghuan Xia, Hui Kang, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S. Lam*. Atmospheric concentrations of DDTs and chlordanes measured from Shanghai, China to the Arctic Ocean during the Third China Arctic Research Expedition in 2008. Atmospheric Environment. 2011, 45(22):3750-3757.

(19) Xiaoguo Wu, James, C. W. Lam, Chonghuan Xia, Hui Kang, Liguang Sun, Zhouqing Xie*, and Paul. K. S*. Lam. Atmospheric HCH over the marine boundary layer from Shanghai, China to the Arctic Ocean: Role of human activity and climate change. Environmental Science & Technology. 2010. 44(22): 8422-8428.

(20) 武曉果, 謝周清*. 南北極全氟化合物含量,分布及遷移. 極地研究 2009 Vol.21(3): 197- 210.