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發(fā)布人:     發(fā)布日期:2021-09-18   瀏覽次數:


·     姓名:席貽龍

·     職稱:教授(二級)

·     電話:0553-5910128

·     郵箱:ylxi1965@126.com









·     安徽省動物學會第六屆理事會常務理事

·     安徽省生態(tài)學會第三屆理事會副理事長

·     《生態(tài)學報》編委








·     臂尾輪蟲對上行和下行選擇壓力快速適應的過程、機制和生態(tài)效應研究。國家自然科學基金項目(31971562),主持。

·     競爭壓力下輪蟲的快速進化及其生態(tài)效應:生態(tài)進化動態(tài)實驗研究。國家自然科學基金項目(31470015),主持。

·     輪蟲規(guī)?;呙芏扰囵B(yǎng)和持續(xù)供給技術開發(fā)與示范。國家星火計劃重大項目安徽長江流域名優(yōu)水產品高效安全養(yǎng)殖技術集成與示范子課題,主持。

·     輪蟲種復合體內姐妹種組成和相對豐度的時空變動和調節(jié)機制。國家自然科學基金項目(31170395),主持。

·     輪蟲周期變形的生態(tài)誘因和遺傳機制研究。國家自然科學基金項目(30870369),主持。

·     輪蟲種群遺傳分化的時空格局及其形成機制研究。國家自然科學基金項目(30770352),主持。

·     環(huán)境雌激素對輪蟲生殖的影響及其作用的生態(tài)機理研究。國家自然科學基金項目(30470323),主持。

·     輪蟲種群遺傳結構對水環(huán)境季節(jié)變化的響應機理研究。國家自然科學基金項目(30270221),主持。





·     Shan   Jiang, Yan Bai, Fan Sun, Le-Le Ge, Yi-Long Xi*. Divergent responses in   morphology and life history to an Asplanchna kairomone between   attached and free-swimming Brachionus dorcas (Rotifera). Hydrobiologia   2021, 848:1925-1937.

·     Yi-Long   Xi, Ke-Qiang Huang, Ling Pan, Han Zhu, Ya-Li Ge, Xin-Li Wen, Xian-Ling Xiang.   Rapid adaptation of Brachionus angularis (Rotifera) to invasion by Brachionus   calyciflorus. Hydrobiologia 2019, 844: 31-42.

·     Ye   Zhang, Ao Zhou, Yi-Long Xi*, Qiang Sun, Le-Feng Ning, Ping Xie, Xin-Li Wen,   Xian-Ling Xiang. Temporal patterns and processes of genetic differentiation   of the Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera) complex in a subtropical   shallow lake. Hydrobiologia, 2018, 807: 313-331.

·     Wen   Xin-Li, Yi-Long Xi*, Gen Zhang, Ying-Hao Xue, Xian-Ling Xiang. Coexistence of   cryptic Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera) species: roles of   environmental variables. Journal of Plankton Research, 2016, 38(3): 478-489.

·     Gen   Zhang, Yi-Long Xi*, Ying-Hao Xue, Xian-Ling Xiang, Xin-Li Wen. Coal fly ash   effluent affects the distributions of Brachionus calyciflorus sibling   species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 112: 60-67.

·     Xian-Ling   Xiang, Yi-Long Xi*, Xin-Li Wen, Gen Zhang, Jin-Xia Wang and Ke Hu. Genetic differentiation   and phylogeographical structure of the Brachionus calyciflorus complex   in eastern China. Molecular Ecology, 2011, 20: 3027-3044.

·     Xian-ling   Xiang, Yi-long Xi*, Xin-li Wen, Gen Zhang, Jin-xia Wang, Ke Hu. Patterns and   processes in the genetic differentiation of the Brachionus calyciflorus   complex, a passively dispersing freshwater zooplankton. Molecular   Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2011, 59(2): 386- 398.

·     Xin-Li   Wen, Yi-Long Xi*, Fang-Ping Qian, Gen Zhang and Xian-Ling Xiang. Comparative   analysis of rotifer community structure in five subtropical shallow lakes in   East China: role of physical and chemical conditions. Hydrobiologia, 2011,   662: 303-316.

·     Xian-Ling   Xiang, Yi-Long Xi*, Xin-Li Wen, Jin-Yan Zhang, Qin Ma. Spatial patterns of   genetic differentiation in Brachionus calyciflorus species complex   collected from East China in summer. Hydrobiologia, 2010, 638: 67-83.

·     Qin   Ma, Yi-Long Xi*, Jin-Yan Zhang, Xin-Li Wen, and Xian-Ling Xiang. Differences   in life table demography among eight geographic populations of Brachionus   calyciflorus (Rotifera) from China. Limnologica, 2010, 40: 16-22.

·     Lan-Lan   Zhao, Yi-Long Xi*, Lin Huang, Chun-Wang Zha. Effect of three phthalate esters   on the life-table demography of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus   Pallas. Aquatic Ecology, 2009, 43: 395 -402.

·     Yi-Long   Xi, Zhao-Xia Chu, Xiao-ping Xu. Effect of four organochlorine pesticides on   the reproduction of freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas.   Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2007, 26: 1695-1699.

·     Yi-Long   Xi, Atsushi Hagiwara, Sakakura Yoshitaka. Combined effects of food level and   temperature on life table demography of Moina macrocopa. International   Review of Hydrobiology, 2005, 90: 546-554.


·     無脊椎動物學實踐教學的改革與創(chuàng)新。安徽省高等學校省級教學成果獎一等獎,2012,本人排名第一。

·     β-六六六和十氯丹對萼花臂尾輪蟲實驗種群動態(tài)的影響。查春旺。安徽省首屆優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文,2008

·     三種鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質對萼花臂尾輪蟲實驗種群動態(tài)的影響。趙蘭蘭。安徽省第二屆優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文,2009

·     萼花臂尾輪蟲種復合體內不同姐妹種間和姐妹種內不同地理種群間的形態(tài)和生態(tài)差異研究。馬芹。安徽省第三屆優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文,2011

·     萼花臂尾輪蟲種復合體遺傳分化的時空格局。項賢領。安徽省第四屆優(yōu)秀博士學位論文,2014

·     萼花臂尾輪蟲休眠卵形成和萌發(fā)機理的生態(tài)學研究。安徽省科學技術獎三等獎。2002年,本人排名第一。