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發(fā)布人:周守標(biāo)     發(fā)布日期:2017-09-25   瀏覽次數(shù):





周守標(biāo),男,1963年8月生,安徽和縣人,博士、教授、博士生導(dǎo)師。安徽省高校學(xué)科帶頭人,安徽省高校學(xué)科拔尖人才。兼職農(nóng)工黨安徽省委委員、蕪湖市委副主委,農(nóng)工黨省委會(huì)人口資源環(huán)境專門委員會(huì)副主任、監(jiān)察委員會(huì)委員;十、十一屆安徽省政協(xié)委員,十二屆安徽省政協(xié)常委,十一、十二屆省政協(xié)人口資源環(huán)境委員會(huì)委員;九、十、十一、十二屆蕪湖市政協(xié)委員,十二屆蕪湖市政協(xié)人口資源環(huán)境委員會(huì)副主任委員;十六屆蕪湖市人大常委會(huì)委員,教科文衛(wèi)生工作委員會(huì)委員。主要從事植物學(xué)和環(huán)境生態(tài)學(xué)教學(xué)和研究工作,在《Photosynthetica》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》、《International Journal of Phytoremediation》、《Plant Systematics and Evolution》、《Phytotaxa》、《 Atmospheric Pollution Research》、《Geoderma》、《Bull Environ Contam Toxicol》、《Food Microbiology》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Ann. Bot. Fennici》、《Blumea》、《Ecology and Evolution》、《Biologia Plantarum》、《Journal of Applied Phycology》、《Nordic Journal of Botany》、《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》等國內(nèi)外期刊發(fā)表論文280余篇,參與出版專著10部。

郵 箱:zhoushoubiao@vip.163.com      





1982.9—1986.7  安徽師范大學(xué)生物學(xué)專業(yè)畢業(yè),獲學(xué)士學(xué)位   

1990.9—1993.7  安徽師范大學(xué)植物學(xué)專業(yè)畢業(yè),獲碩士學(xué)位;   

1994.9—1997.7  南京林業(yè)大學(xué)植物學(xué)專業(yè)畢業(yè),獲博士學(xué)位。   


1986.7—1992.10  安徽師范大學(xué)生物系,助教;   

1988.9—1990.9  安徽師范大學(xué)生物系,兼職輔導(dǎo)員;   

1992.10—1997.9  安徽師范大學(xué)生物系,講師;   

1997.9—2003.12  安徽師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院,副教授;   

2003.12—2010.7  安徽師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院,教授;   

2002.3—2004.8  東北師范大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院草地研究所,博士后;   

2004.9—2005.9  日本宮崎大學(xué)農(nóng)學(xué)部草地環(huán)境學(xué)科,訪問學(xué)者;   

2010.7—2016.1  安徽師范大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院副院長,教授  

2012.6—2013.9  鏡湖區(qū)人民政府副區(qū)長(掛職);  

2016.1—2020.7  安徽師范大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院院長,教授

2020.7—現(xiàn)在    必威教授
















四、 目前主持或參與研究的主要課題:  


安徽省自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目:石蒜復(fù)合體居群遺傳特征、生物堿含量及其與環(huán)境關(guān)系的研究(No.11040606M77), 2011–2013, 主持   

安徽省人才基金項(xiàng)目:石蒜屬植物nrRNA的分子系統(tǒng)進(jìn)化(No. 2008Z029), 2009–2011, 主持。   

安徽省高校自然科學(xué)研究重點(diǎn)項(xiàng)目:復(fù)蘇植物大花旋蒴苣苔遺傳多樣性分析及復(fù)蘇性狀評價(jià)(No.KJ2011A129), 2011–2013, 主持。   

國家林業(yè)局項(xiàng)目:中國特有珍稀瀕危物種醉翁榆、瑯琊榆的種群生態(tài)學(xué)和分布區(qū)景觀破碎化研究(****0211), 2012-2013, 主持。   

安徽省科技攻關(guān)項(xiàng)目: 太平湖500米裸露岸線生態(tài)修復(fù)示范工程(120****2133), 2013-2014, 主持。   


“安徽重要野生植物種質(zhì)資源的采集與保存” 國家大科學(xué)裝置-中國野生生物種質(zhì)資源庫, 野生植物種質(zhì)資源的調(diào)查與保存(WGB-1010)子項(xiàng)目, 主持。  

“福建天寶巖等五個(gè)國家級自然保護(hù)區(qū)國家重點(diǎn)保護(hù)植物調(diào)查” 環(huán)境保護(hù)部事業(yè)費(fèi)課題 “全國生物物種資源調(diào)查”第八專題, 主持。

“濕地高等植物監(jiān)測指南” “十一五”國家科技支撐計(jì)劃重點(diǎn)項(xiàng)目“中國重要生物物種資源監(jiān)測和保育關(guān)鍵技術(shù)與應(yīng)用示范”(2008BAC39B)課題三“重要濕地物種資源監(jiān)測技術(shù)與示范”(2008BAC39B03)子項(xiàng)目, 主持。

安徽鷂落坪國家級自然保護(hù)區(qū)生物多樣性觀測示范基地建設(shè)項(xiàng)目, 環(huán)保部南京環(huán)境科學(xué)研究所, 主持。

湖北石首麋鹿國家級自然保護(hù)區(qū)植物多樣性觀測示范基地建設(shè)項(xiàng)目, 環(huán)保部南京環(huán)境科學(xué)研究所, 主持。

“蕪湖市大陽垾城市濕地公園資源環(huán)境調(diào)查及分析評價(jià)”, 蕪湖市城市綠化項(xiàng)目, 主持。

“蕪湖市綠化樹種資源調(diào)查及分析評價(jià)”, 蕪湖市城市綠化項(xiàng)目, 主持。

“國家級自然保護(hù)區(qū)生態(tài)環(huán)境十年變化調(diào)查與評估”子項(xiàng)目“內(nèi)蒙古鄂爾多斯遺鷗和四合木生境適宜性分析與評價(jià)”, 主持。

“銅陵尾礦庫植被修復(fù)與污染區(qū)植物多樣性研究”, 中科院南京土壤所, 主持。

“安徽金寨抽水蓄能電站陸生生態(tài)、水生生態(tài)調(diào)查與評價(jià)”, 中國水電顧問集團(tuán)華東勘測設(shè)計(jì)研究院, 主持。

“響水澗抽水蓄能電站竣工環(huán)保驗(yàn)收水生生態(tài)調(diào)查與評價(jià)”, 中國水電顧問集團(tuán)華東勘測設(shè)計(jì)研究院, 主持。

“枯井園自然保護(hù)區(qū)科學(xué)考察”, 國家林業(yè)局調(diào)查規(guī)劃設(shè)計(jì)院, 主持。

“安徽省當(dāng)涂縣水陽江下游防洪治理工程生態(tài)影響評估”, 安徽省水利水電勘察設(shè)計(jì)院, 主持。



五、 主要研究成果:  


(一) 論文(近年發(fā)表的代表性論文,*為通訊作者 ):


1. Shoubiao Zhou, Benqi Yu, et al. Karyotypes of six populations of Lycoris radiata and discovery of the tetraploid. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2007, 45(4): 513-522 

2. Tian Changcheng, Jiang Xuelong*, Peng Hua, Fan Pengfei, Zhou Shoubiao. Tree species diversity and structure characters in the habitats of black-crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor). Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 27(10): 4002?4010 (Online English edition) 

3. Shoubiao Zhou, Kun Liu, et al. Photosynthetic performance of Lycoris radiata var. radiata to shade treatments. Photosynthetica, 2010, 48(2): 241-248 

4. Lisheng Xu, Shoubiao Zhou, Longhua Wu, Na Li, Liqiang Cui,Yongming Luo, and Peter Christie. Cd and Zn Tolerance and Accumulation by Sedum jinianum in East China. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2009, 11(3): 283-295 

5. Kun Liu, Shoubiao Zhou*, et al. A karyomorphological study on two newly recorded taxa of Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) in Anhui province, China. Caryologia, 2011, 64(2): 157-162 

6. Xuan SQ, Zheng JY, Wang H, Gao P, Zhou SB, Liu K, Zhu GP*. Polymorphic microsatellite loci for the genetic analysis of Lycoris radiata and cross-amplification in other congeneric species. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2011, 10(4): 3141-3145 

7. Cheng WJ, Liu TT, Wu HL, Zhou SB, Xuan SQ, Zhu GP*. Isolation and characterization of twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci in Polygonatum cyrtonema and cross-species amplification. Conservation Genetics Resource, 2010, 2: 105–107 

8. Liu TT, Cheng WJ, Zhou SB, Shao JW, Wu HL, Zhu GP*. Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci in Polygonatum filipes and cross-amplification in other congeneric species. Conservation Genet Resource, 2010, 2: 77–79 

9. Xin Hong, Shoubiao Zhou*, et al. Primulina chizhouensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a limestone cave in Anhui, China. Phytotaxa, 2012, 50: 13–18 

10. Kun Liu, Shoubiao Zhou*, et al. Chromosomal variation and evolution in Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) Ⅰ. Intraspecific variation in the karyotype of Lycoris chinensis Traub. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2012, 298(8):1493-1502 

11. Kun Liu, Chengfeng Tang, Shoubiao Zhou*, et al. Comparison of the Photosynthetic Characteristics of four Lycoris species with leaf appearing in autumn under field conditions. Photosynthetica, 2012, 50(4): 570-576 

12. Ting Wu*, Bing Hong, Shoubiao Zhou, Juan Zhao, Chuanjun Xia, Hui Liu. Residues of HCHs and DDTs in Soils and Sediments of Preconstructing Urban Wetland. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2012, 89: 563-567 

13. LY Hou, ZP Wang, JM Wang, B Wang, SB Zhou, LH Li. Growing season in situ uptake of atmospheric methane by desert soils in a semiarid region of northern China. Geoderma, 2012, 189-190: 415-422 

14. LH Wu*, YJ Liu,SB Zhou*,FG Guo,D Bi,XH Guo, AJM Baker, JAC Smith, YM Luo. Sedum plumbizincicola X.H. Guo et S.B. Zhou ex L.H. Wu (Crassulaceae): a new species from Zhejiang Province, China. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2013, 299(3): 487-498 

15. Fang Wen, Xin Hong, Lingyun Chen, Shoubiao Zhou, Yigang Wei*. A new species of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae) from a karst limestone hill in southwestern Guangdong, China. Phytotaxa, 2013, 131 (1): 1–8 

16. Shoubiao Zhou, Xin Hong, Fang Wen, Hongmei Xiao. Hemiboea roseoalba S.B.Zhou, X.Hong & F.Wen (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon., 2013, 20(2): 171-177 

17. Shiyong Yang, Yongjie Huang, Jie Zhang, Shoubiao Zhou*. Physio-biochemical Response to Copper Stress of Miscanthus floridulus, a pioneer plant species in mine wastes- potential for phytoremediation. Fresenius Environ. Bull., 2014, 23(3): 686-692 

18. Kun Liu, Xin Hong, Shoubiao Zhou*, Yangsong Chen, Chengfeng Tang, Huijuan Xu. A new species of Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) from Dabieshan Mountain, China. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2014, 300: 1615-1620    

19. Xin Hong, Shoubiao Zhou*, Fang Wen*. Petrocodon villosus (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China. Blumea, 2014, 59: 33-36 

20. Shoubiao Zhou, Xin Hong, Zhonglin Li, Fang Wen*. Primulina diffusa (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to the karst limestone area in southwestern Guangxi, China. Ann. Bot. Fennici, 2014, 51: 212-216 

21. Kun Liu, Shoubiao Zhou*, Yangsong Chen, Xin Hong. Lysimachia dabieshanensis sp. nov. (Primulaceae), a new species from Dabieshan Mountain, China. Phytotaxa, 2014, 174(2): 119-122 

22. Shilian Huang, Longfei Fu, Jingjian Li, Yuzhen Ge, Wen Ma, Fang Wen, Shoubiao Zhou*. Primulina duanensis sp. Nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2015, 33(2): 209-213 

23. Jie Zhang, Shiyong Yang, Yongjie Huang, Shoubiao Zhou*. Tolerance and accumulation of Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Benth., an energy plant species, to Cadmium. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2015, 17(6): 538-545 

24. Xin Hong, Ouwen Wang, Shoubiao Zhou*, Fang Wen*. Primulina argentea(Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to a karst cave in N Guangdong, S China. Willdenowia, 2014, 44: 377-383 

25. Shengpeng Zuo*, Kun Wan, Shoubiao Zhou, Liangtao Ye, Sumin Ma. Environmental monitoring and assessment of the water bodies of a pre-construction urban wetland. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186: 7349-7355 

26. Shoubiao Zhou, Xin Hong, Wen Ma, Fang Wen*. Primulina lechangensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new species in a limestone cave from Northern Guangdong, China. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon., 2014, 21(2): 187-191 

27. Shoubiao Zhou, Xin Hong, Yigang Wei, Leping He, Fang Wen*. Primulina moi sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in northern Guangdong, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2015, 33(4): 446-450 

28. Kun Liu, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoyan Wu, Fang Liu.Effects of irradiance on the photosynthetic traits, antioxidative enzyme activities and growth of Cryptotaenia japonica.Biologia Plantarum, 2015, 59(3): 521-528 

29. Yupeng Wang, Shoubiao Zhou, Lifu Qian, Tao Pan, Baowei Zhang. The mitochondrial genome of Ixobrychus flavicollis (Ardeidae: Ixobrychus). Mitochondrial DNA Part A,2016, 26(2): 921-922 

30. Hua Hang, Shibao Bao, Meng Zhao, Bo Wang, Shoubiao Zhou, Bo Jiang. Enzyme membrane reactor coupled with nanofiltration membrane process for difructose anhydride III from inulin conversion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 276: 75–82 

31. Kun Xing, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoguo Wu, Yuanyuan Zhu, Juanjuan Kong, Ting Shao, Xu Tao. Concentration and Characteristic of Selenium in Soil Samples from Dashan Region, a Selenium-enriched Area in China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2015, 61(2): 889-922 

32. Shengpeng Zuo* Zhangshun Fang, Shoubiao Zhou, Liangtao Ye. Benthic Fauna Promote Algicidal Effect of Allelopathic Macrophytes on Microcystis aeruginosa. J Plant Growth Regul, 2016, 35(3): 646-654 

33. Shengpeng Zuo*, Shoubiao Zhou, Liangtao Ye, Ying Ding, Xiaofeng Jiang. Antialgal effects of five individual allelochemicals and their mixtures in low level pollution conditions. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2016, 23(15):15703-15711 

34. Shengpeng Zuo*, Shoubiao Zhou, Liangtao Ye, Sumin Ma.Synergistic and antagonistic interactions among five allelochemicals with antialgal effects on bloom-forming Microcystis aeruginosa.Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97: 486–492

35. Haotian Wu, Shoubiao Zhou, Wen Ma, Ouwen Wang, Fang Wen. Primulina dichroantha (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a karst cave from Guangxi, China. Ann. Bot. Fennici, 2017, 54: 95-98 

36. Yansong Chen*, Zhanjun Wang, Zhangjun Shen, Zulan Ou, Decong Xu, Zhuxia Yuan, Shoubiao Zhou*. Effects of oxytetracycline on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence in rape (Brassica campestris L.). Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 2017, 26(3): 995-1001 

37. Ying Wang, Kun Liu, De Bi, Shoubiao Zhou*, Jianwen Shao*. Characterization of the transcriptome and EST-SSR development inBoea clarkeana, a desiccation-tolerant plant endemic to China. PeerJ, 2017, DOI:10.7717/peerj.3422

38. Liangtao Ye, Ge Yu, Shoubiao Zhou, Shengpeng Zuo, Caixia Fang. Denitrification of nitrate-contaminated groundwater in columns packed with PHBV and ceramsites for application as a permeable reactive barrier. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2017, DOI: 10.2166/ws.2017.024

39. Xin Hong, Fuzhuan Pan, Shoubiao Zhou, Wen Ma,Fang Wen. Primulina cangwuensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the karst limestone area in Guangxi, China. Ann. Bot. Fennici, 2018, 55: 37-42    

40. Weiqi Meng, Lu Zheng, Jianwen Shao, Shoubiao Zhou, Kun Liu. A new natural allotriploid, Lycoris × hubeiensis hybr. nov., revealed from morphological, karyological and molecular data. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2018, 

41. Jie Zhang, Shiyong Yang, Hongfei Yang, Yongjie Huang, Liming Zheng, Jing Yuan, and Shoubiao Zhou*. Comparative study on effects of four energy plants growth on chemical fractions of heavy metals and activity of soil enzymes in copper mine tailings. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(6): 616-623 

42. Yupeng Wang, Haixiang Cheng, Jianhui Li, Shoubiao Zhou*. Development of microsatellite markers for a Chinese endemic plant, Torreya yunnanensis (Taxaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 2018, 6(4): e1145 

43. Bing Zhao, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoguo Wu, Kun Xing, Yuanyuan Zhu, Ling Hu, Xu Tao. Distribution, accumulation of selenium in plants and human health risk assessment on selenium from Dashan Region, a selenium-rich area in Anhui, China. Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 2018, 27(6): 2873-2882

  44.     Xiaofei Shen, Hao Hu, Linlin Ma, Paul K.S.Lam, Shaokai Yan, Shoubiao Zhou, Raymond Jianxiong Zeng.     FAMEs production from     Scenedesmus obliquus     in autotrophic, heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultures under different nitrogen conditions. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2018, 4, 461-468  

        45.         Ying Wang, Wen Ma, Shoubiao Zhou*, Kun Liu*.         Lysimachia tianmaensis         (Primulaceae), a new species from Anhui, China. PhytoKeys, 2018, 98: 117–124

          46. Xiaoguo Wu, Yueyue Ding, Shoubiao Zhou*, Ye Tan. Temporal characteristic and source analysis of PM2.5 in the most polluted city agglomeration of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018, 9: 1221-1230

47. Xin Hong, Zhonglin Li, Jiazhi Liu, Shoubiao Zhou, Weihua Qin, Fang Wen. Two new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from limestone karsts of China. PeerJ, 2018, DOI:10.7717/peerj.4946

48. Ying Wang, Kun Liu, De Bi, Shoubiao Zhou*, Jianwen Shao*. Molecular phylogeography of East Asian Boea clarkeana (Gesneriaceae) in relation to habitat restriction. PLoS ONE, 2018,13(7): e0199780.doi.org/10.1371

49. Yiqing Fan, Zhu Li, Tong Zhou, Shoubiao Zhou, Longhua Wu, Yongming Luo, Peter Christie. Phytoextraction potential of soils highly polluted with cadmium using the cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2019, 2018.1556592

50. Xiao-Fei Shen, Qi-Wen Qin, Shao-Kai Yan, Jia-Le Huang, Kun Liu, Shou-Biao Zhou*. Biodiesel production from Chlorella vulgaris under nitrogen starvation in autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic cultures. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, 31: 1589-1596

51. Ju Zhang, Yue Wang, Zongyuan Shao, Jing Li, Shuting Zan, Shoubiao Zhou, Ruyi Yang*. Two selenium tolerant Lysinibacillus sp. strains are capable of reducing selenite to elemental Se efficiently under aerobic conditions.  Journal of Environmental Sciences 2019, 77: 238-249

52. Liu K*, Meng WQ, Zheng L, Wang LD, Zhou SB*. Cytogeography and chromosomal variation of the endemic East Asian herb Lycoris radiata. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9: 6849-6859

53. Yang BB, Yang C, Shao ZY, Wang H, Zan ST, Zhu M, Zhou SB, Yang RY*. Selenium (Se) does not reduce cadmium (Cd) uptake and translocation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in naturally occurred Se-rich paddy fields with a high geological background of Cd. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s00128-019-02551-y

54. De Bi, Hengwu Ding, Qingqing Wang, Lan Jiang, Wenkong Lu, Xuan Wu, Ran Zhu, Juhua Zeng, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaojun Yang*, Xianzhao Kan*. Two new mitogenomes of Picidae (Aves, Piciformes): Sequence, structure and phylogenetic analyses. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 133: 683–692

55. Rong-Bin Wang, Wei-Yong Ni, Wen-Jing Xu, Zheng-Wen Gui, Shou-Biao Zhou*. Clematis guniuensis (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Eastern China. PhytoKeys, 2019, 128: 47-55

56. Zi-Bing Xin, Long-Fei Fu, Zhang-Jie Huang, Shu Li, Stephen Maciejewsk, Fang Wen*, Shou-Biao Zhou*. Petrocodon chishuiensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to Guizhou, China. Taiwania, 2020, 65(2): 181-186

57. Bing Zhao, Chen Xing, Shoubiao Zhou*, Xiaoguo Wu, Ruyi Yang, Shaokai Yan. Sources, Fraction Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Selenium (Se) in Dashan Village, a Se-Rich Area in Anhui Province, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 104: 545–550

58. Jihai Zhou*, Kun Cheng, Guomin Huang, Guangcai Chen, Shoubiao Zhou*, Yongjie Huang, Jie Zhang, Honglang Duan, Houbao Fan. Effects of exogenous 3-indoleacetic acid and cadmium stress on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 191: 109998

59. Xiao-Fei Shen, Lin-Jun Gao, Shou-Biao Zhou, Jia-Le Huang, Chen-Zhi Wu, Qi-Wen Qin, Raymond Jianxiong Zeng*. High fatty acid productivity from Scenedesmus obliquus in heterotrophic cultivation with glucose and soybean processing wastewater via nitrogen and phosphorus regulation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 708: 134596

60. Meng Zhu, Xuefeng Hu, Chen Tu, Yongming Luo*, Ruyi Yang, Shoubiao Zhou, Nannan Cheng, Elizabeth L. Rylott. Speciation and sorption structure of diphenylarsinic acid in soil clay mineral fractions using sequential extraction and EXAFS spectroscopy. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20: 763-774

61. Meng Zhu, Yongming Luo*, Ruyi Yang, Shoubiao Zhou, Juqin Zhang, Mengyun Zhang, Peter Christie, Elizabeth L. Rylott. Diphenylarsinic acid sorption mechanisms in soils using batch experiments and EXAFS spectroscopy.  Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2020, 14(4): 58

62. Changbao Wang, Ting Nie, Fuxing Lin, Ian F. Connerton, Zhaoxin Lu*, Shoubiao Zhou, Hua Hang. Resistance mechanisms adopted by a Salmonella Typhimurium mutant against bacteriophage. Virus Research, 2019, 273: 197759

63. Changbao Wang, Hua Hang, Shoubiao Zhou*, Yan D. Niu, Hechao Du, Kim Stanford, Tim A. McAllister*. Bacteriophage biocontrol Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC)O145 biofilms on stainless steel reduces the contamination of beef. Food Microbiology, 2020, 92(2020)103572

64. 王麗, 常錦利, 周守標(biāo)*等. 鷂落坪國家級自然保護(hù)區(qū)喬木物種多樣性與種間聯(lián)結(jié), 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào), 2019, 39(1): 309-319

65. 王育鵬, 劉坤, 李建輝, 周守標(biāo)*, 張丁來, 陳文豪. 安徽牯牛降北坡種子植物區(qū)系及其多樣性的海拔梯度變化, 林業(yè)科學(xué), 2018, 54(4): 165-173

66. 洪欣, 吳昊天, 何樂平,周守標(biāo)*, 溫放*. 報(bào)春苣苔屬43種植物花粉形態(tài)及其分類學(xué)意義, 園藝學(xué)報(bào), 2015, 42(12): 2439-2454

67. 劉坤, 戴俊賢, 唐成豐, 王立龍, 顧長明, 盧萍, 周曉春, 周守標(biāo)*. 安徽濕地維管植物多樣性及植被分類系統(tǒng)研究, 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào), 2014, 34(19): 5434-5444

68. 邵婷, 姚春霞,沈源源, 張玉潔,蘇楠楠, 周守標(biāo)*. 洛克沙胂在青菜及土壤中的殘留及降解特性, 環(huán)境科學(xué), 2015, 36(8): 3068-3073

69. 周乾坤, 周守標(biāo)*. 施硒對紫云英硒積累和硒形態(tài)的影響研究, 水土保持學(xué)報(bào), 2014, 28(4): 304-309

70. 奚功芳, 周守標(biāo),丁海城, 姚春霞*,孔娟娟. 上海市郊區(qū)養(yǎng)殖場周邊環(huán)境中砷含量特征, 環(huán)境科學(xué), 2014, 35(5): 1928-1932

71. 李中林, 秦衛(wèi)華*,周守標(biāo)*, 張紀(jì)兵,汪貞, 王運(yùn)靜. 圍欄封育下華北半干旱草原植物生態(tài)位研究, 草地學(xué)報(bào), 2014, 22(6): 1186-1193

72. 李中林, 秦衛(wèi)華*,周守標(biāo)*, 張紀(jì)兵,汪貞, 王運(yùn)靜. 短期圍欄封育對紅松洼自然保護(hù)區(qū)群落數(shù)量特征的影響, 草地學(xué)報(bào), 2015, 23(1):21-26

73. 張杰, 周守標(biāo)*. 能源植物荻對銅脅迫的耐性和積累特征, 水土保持學(xué)報(bào), 2013, 27(2):168-172, 188

74. 常琳琳, 周守標(biāo)*. 土壤施硒量對鴨兒芹生長、生理特性及硒積累的影響, 水土保持學(xué)報(bào), 2013, 27(2):157-163

75. 喻梅, 周守標(biāo)*. 野生鴨兒芹種子休眠特性及破除方法, 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào), 2012, 32(4): 1347-1354

76. 吳曉艷, 周守標(biāo)*. 營養(yǎng)液對鴨兒芹幼苗生長、抗氧化酶活性及葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的影響, 植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學(xué)報(bào), 2012, 18(4): 1026-1034

77. 陳延松, 周守標(biāo)*. 安徽萬佛山自然保護(hù)區(qū)常見植物種子大小變異, 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào),, 2012, 36(8): 739-746

78. 志國, 周守標(biāo)*. 銅鋅復(fù)合脅迫對蘆竹生理生化特性、重金屬富集和土壤酶活性的影響, 水土保持學(xué)報(bào), 2014, 28(1): 276-280, 288

79. 朱志國, 周守標(biāo)*. 光照強(qiáng)度對馬蹄金保護(hù)酶活性和光合特性的影響, 中國草地學(xué)報(bào), 2012, 34(5): 87-92


1.祝廷成, 嚴(yán)仲鎧, 周守標(biāo) 主編:中國長白山植物,北京科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社、延邊人民出版社,2003

2.周守標(biāo) 副主編(謝國文等主編):生物多樣性保護(hù)與利用,湖南科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社,2001

3.周守標(biāo) 參編(訾興中 主編):瑯琊山植物志,中國林業(yè)出版社,1999

4.周守標(biāo) 參編(祝廷成 主編):長白山生物種類與分布(植物),東北師范大學(xué)出版社,2005

5.周守標(biāo) 參編(訾興中, 張定成 主編):大別山植物志,中國林業(yè)出版社,2006

6.周守標(biāo) 參譯(G. S. 巴紐埃洛斯,林治慶編著):生物營養(yǎng)強(qiáng)化農(nóng)產(chǎn)品開發(fā)和應(yīng)用,科學(xué)出版社,2010

7.秦衛(wèi)華, 周守標(biāo), 王兵, 蔣明康 主編:典型自然保護(hù)區(qū)重點(diǎn)保護(hù)物種資源調(diào)查與研究,中國環(huán)境出版社,2014

8.周守標(biāo) 參編(王智, 蔣明康, 強(qiáng)勝, 秦衛(wèi)華 主編):沿海地區(qū)自然保護(hù)區(qū)外來入侵物種調(diào)查與研究,中國環(huán)境出版社,2014

9.周守標(biāo) 副主編(程中才 主編):中國濕地資源·安徽卷,中國林業(yè)出版社,2015

10.周守標(biāo) 編委(徐慶,邵建章 主編): 九華山植物,中國林業(yè)出版社,2016

11.周守標(biāo) 副主編(汪榮斌,彭華勝主編):安徽省蕪湖市藥用植物資源,安徽科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社,2018















